School Handbook

CES Handbook 2024-2025



At Cardston Elementary School, we "learn and grow together."

School Mission

To provide learning experiences in an environment that will give each student opportunities to develop his or her potential. This environment will stimulate the desire for learning and will foster the development of self worth.


CES Staff

Principal-Stacy Jacobs
Vice-Principals- Traci Aipperspach, Jeff Johnson
Administrative Assistants- Cheryl Lewis, Mona Heggie
Librarians- Teresa Jackson
Counselors- Jerry First Charger, Mark Peterson, Chris Fox
Specialists- Natisha Bevans- Music
                   Corey Rowe- P.E.
Food Services- Deedra Norton


Hali Leishman      
Marnie Butler Taylor Bunnage    
Grade 1      
Shawn Jensen Paula Anderson Katie Sykes  
Grade 2      
Karen Rowe Carrie Redford Lisa Wehrhahn Ashley Koputas
Grade 3      
Julie Allred Derek Heggie Amanda Shaw  
Grade 4      
Ryan Alston Jodi Cottle Macie Wood Leon Atwood
Grade 5      
Spencer Harding Paulette Romeril Casey Anderson Curtis Spencer


Fair Notice Letter

Click here for Fair Notice Letter



Dear Parents,


As our school year begins, we wish to inform or remind you of the Westwind School Division #74’s policy regarding dealing with high-risk behaviours.  


In order to enhance a sense of safety and security for everyone in our schools, Westwind School Division #74 will take necessary actions in response to all high-risk behaviours. High-risk behaviours include, but are not limited to: possession of weapons, bomb threats, and threats to kill or injure self or others. Should any student engage in behaviour, which threatens, or appears to threaten the safety of self or others, our protocol for dealing with high-risk behaviours will be activated.


Should you wish to review our policies Board Policy 19 – Welcoming, Safe, Caring & Respectful Schools; Admin Procedure 170 – Harassment/Bullying/Hazing Prevention; Admin Procedure 165 – Crisis & Disaster Management, please check our website at Feel free to contact your school principal for more information.


It would be helpful if you would discuss this policy with your child/children. We look forward to a positive and safe year in our schools.




Darren Mazutinec

Superintendent of Schools












PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE                                                                  DATE

Alberta School Act: Section 12

A student shall conduct himself or herself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct: (a) be diligent in pursuing the student’s studies; (b) attend school regularly and punctually; (c) co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services; (d) comply with the rules of the school; (e) account to the student’s teachers for the student’s conduct; (f) respect the rights of others; (g) ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging; (h) refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behavior directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means; (i) positively contribute to the student’s school and community.

School Procedures:

Telephone Privileges

Students may use the classroom telephone for urgent reasons if they obtain permission from the homeroom or supervising teacher. Incoming calls to staff and students will not be forwarded during instructional time. Messages can be left in the office and delivered during a break. If there is an emergency, please call the office for help.

Cell Phone Use and Other Electronic Devices

It is now common for students to carry cell phones and other electronic devices to school. We recognize that for some families a phone is important for communication between students and parents/caregivers before and after school. However, we are finding that cell phones can be a source of disruption in the classroom, a safety concern on the playground and a cause for social difficulties. While students can carry cell phones to school, we ask that parents support our efforts for appropriate use by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Do not allow your child to carry a cell phone to school unless it is necessary for before and after school student/parent communication.
  • Cell phones at school must be turned off. Students may not use cell phones or other electronic devices in classrooms unless approved by the teacher for research or special projects.
  • The school office phone and classroom phones are available during the day if it is necessary for parents to call in or students to call out.
  • Cell phones are often equipped with cameras. In order to satisfy legal requirements around the protection of privacy, photography at school is allowed only for school purposes and with the permission of a staff member. Permitted photos can only be used with parental consent.
  • In order to encourage positive social interaction, electronic devices are not permitted on the playground during recess and lunch.
  • The school takes no responsibility for loss or damage to cell phones, personal electronic devices or any other valuable articles brought from home.


All visitors to the school are expected to check at the office upon arrival. Student visitors are not typically allowed. It is not possible to accommodate all-day visitors. Visitors must wear a mask at all times.

Dress & Appearance

Dress and appearance are very personal choices and, for the most part, are left to the discretion of the parent and student. Dress and appearance do influence the attitudes of students and their schoolwork.

Student’s hair and clothing should be neat, clean, and tidy.  Clothing with references to profanity or other items that are illegal for students or of questionable taste are not to be worn in the school building. 

Students are permitted to wear hats outside for weather related purposes. Hats or other similar head coverings SHALL NOT BE WORN to class or within the school building.


Footwear MUST be worn at all times.  Indoor shoes are required for in-class and physical education activities. Shoes need to be non-marking running shoes for gym activities to ensure comfort and safety. 

To keep our school clean, students are expected to remove winter boots and wet or soiled footwear at the door before proceeding to class. Students need to be able to independently put inside and outside shoes on.

Head Lice

Head lice are common in any community and outbreaks may occur at any time especially among school children. ANYONE can get head lice. Having lice is not a sign of uncleanliness. Head lice can spread quickly from one person to another by direct head to head contact or by indirect contact through sharing of personal items such as combs, brushes, hats, helmets, scarves, clothes, stuffed toys, bed linen, and towels.

When a case of head lice is noticed or reported to school staff, a letter is sent home to all parents with children in the class advising them of this fact and requesting parents to check their children's hair to help prevent the spread of head lice. If your child has an outbreak, we recommend keeping them home until it is under control to help prevent spreading the lice. We may, at times, conduct our own lice check of students when a case of lice is identified. 

Student Health & Wellness

If a student gets sick at school, the parents/guardians will be contacted to picked up the student. Parents/guardians will always be contacted for consent before any tylenol is administered. 

If a student has been sick, they should plan to return to school when they are well enough to resume normal activities:


• Respiratory Illness: Stay home until all symptoms have improved, feeling well enough to resume normal activities, and be fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications. 

• Gastrointestinal Illness: Stay home until 48 hours after all symptoms have resolved. 

• Rash Illness: Stay home for the length of time recommended by the AHS Public Health Outbreak Team. How long to stay home depends on the cause of the rash. 


Outdoor Breaks

The local weather can prove to be challenging at times, especially for planned school activities. Student safety is always our top priority and we are committed to working with parents to create safe conditions for students during inclement weather conditions. With this in mind we ask that students be dressed appropriately as they arrive at school each day. This should include coat, toque, gloves, scarf and boots. Even when inside recess is anticipated, send your children dressed appropriately for the weather conditions; in the case of an emergency or evacuation, we need students to be safe and prepared.

Whenever possible, even in cold and snowy weather, students will go outside. The school will use discretion in extreme weather to keep students safe and indoors. All weather factors will be taken into consideration including temperature, wind chill, wind speed, rain and frostbite warnings.

Positive Behaviour Discipline Plan

Cardston Elementary School believes that all children should be able to come to school and feel safe.  To do so, each student must be in a a school climate that is predictable and productive, without disruptive behaviour infringing on the rights of others. Home and school alike must share the responsibility for teaching acceptable behaviour. By working together we can ensure positive student conduct. Discipline is essential in building accountability, responsibility, and respect for others. Students must understand that they are responsible for their behaviour, and they must understand that any behaviour, which disrupts or detracts from the educational climate of the school, is unacceptable. Any behaviour, which encroaches on the rights of others, is not responsible behaviour. Students are expected to follow reasonable rules that are established for the benefit of the student body as a whole, as well as the community. Bullying, either physical or verbal, will not be tolerated.

Safety Information

Please know that CES is committed to ensure the safety of students. In addressing this, we have designated specific student drop-off and pick-up areas.

We hold periodic fire, lock down and other emergency drills as a means of practicing preparedness in the event of an emergency. Please know that our intent is not to alarm children, but rather to prepare them for an emergency situation should it arise. Teachers and students are generally notified of these drills in advance so as to prepare students of the procedures. Please be prepared to discuss the purpose of these drills with your child as they share their school day with you.

Guidelines For Homework

The school staff suggests the following guidelines. If followed they should assist the students in forming good study habits, increase reading abilities, as well as encourage a responsible attitude toward learning. 

Grades 4 and 5

Basic Guideline:  A minimum of thirty minutes each day to be devoted to free choice reading. In addition students should begin developing study habits for about 30 minutes each day.

Assignments normally should not require more than thirty minutes each evening. If assignments are taking forty-five minutes or more on a regular basis we ask you to contact your student’s teacher.

Teachers will endeavor to keep weekend homework to a minimum.

Grades 1, 2, and 3

There will be fewer formal homework assignments in these grades. It is suggested that students spend a minimum of thirty minutes each day in study at home and that this time usually be spent reading. We recommend the “paired reading” procedure in most situations where parents are helping students read. Reading should be thirty minutes daily. Research is firm that (1 hr./day of choice) reading  maintains  a student's grade level reading skills.


Kindergarten children obtain worthwhile benefit from having stories read to them each day. Twenty minutes for this activity is time well spent for both the parent and the child.                                                                  


We encourage all parents to regularly check our CES website for updates on school events, school weather closures and other important news. It is essential to our communication that we have a parent's current email address and phone numbers. If these change during the school year, please notify us immediately.

Alberta learning has a website you can go to for approved learning acitivites and links to other approved sites. Go to and use:

User ID:LA58

School Council

The School Council acts as an advisory board to the principal and staff of the Cardston Elementary School. The School Council is not a policy making body, but a liaison between the teachers and parents. It represents parents’ views on activities,  procedure changes fundraising projects, etc. The committee meets monthly.

Current council members feel that serving on the committee is not a duty or an obligation, but an opportunity and a privilege to be able to take an active part in the education of the children. 

Bussing Information:


Signage has been placed around the school designating parking and non-parking zones. Please be mindful ofthe signage designating disabled parking and crosswalk zones.


Supervision is provided 15 minutes before and after school each day both inside and outside the building. If a student misses a bus or a ride, they may come to the office for help. (The front doors remain unlocked during these hours.)

Bus Rules

Westwind School Division No. 74 Board views all approved transportation to be an extension of the school, and the same rules and policies that apply to student(s) or staff in the school would apply on the bus as well. It is essential that the safety of the student(s) be the primary consideration at all times and the following guidelines are intended to provide a safe and stress-free environment on the bus.

Bus Guidelines

  1. The bus operator is in full charge of the bus. Student(s) are expected to obey the bus operator or an assigned bus monitor as they would any school official. 
  2. The bus operator may assign student(s) a seat for which they are responsible. 
  3. Student(s) are expected to be seated while the bus is in motion and to keep arms and legs within the seating area. Under no circumstances shall any part of the body be extended out of the window. 
  4. Student(s) are to be punctual arriving at their pick-up point and shall be prompt in getting to the bus after school is dismissed. Excessive tardiness shall be reported to the principal for further action. 
  5. Student(s) are permitted to bring regular school items (books, lunch kits, etc) on board and these should be held on the student’s lap where possible. Exceptional items (ice skates, band instruments, etc) are to be cleared with the bus operator and also safely stowed. 
  6. Unnecessary conversation with the bus operator or any action, which might divert the bus operator’s attention, is to be avoided
  7. There is to be no use of tobacco on any school bus, nor is possession or use of alcohol or drugs permitted
  8. Student(s) are to avoid littering the bus and should remove any wrappers or other garbage they are personally responsible for.
  9. Eating on the bus shall be at the discretion of the bus operator.
  10. Students wishing to go home on buses to which they are not assigned must first present a note to the office with proof of parental/guardian permission, and the secretary will issue a pass. They will only be allowed on the bus if there is adequate seating at that time. ****At this time, during the COVID-19 Pandemic,  there are NO BUS PASSES ISSUED for non assigned buses.****
  11. When entering or exiting, student(s) and or parent(s)/guardian(s) shall follow the direction of the bus operator and shall always pass in front of the bus.
  12. The student(s) or parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible to notify the bus operator on mornings when service is not required
  13. The student(s) and/or the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be held responsible for any  willful damage done to the bus.
  14. On school buses where seat belts have been installed, all passengers are   required by law to wear seat belts.
  15. The passenger/parent/guardian will be responsible for the payment of any fines incurred for non-compliance.

Behavior Expectations For Students on a Bus

1.  STAY SEATED until you leave the bus.

2.  Sit back in your seat, FACE FORWARD.

3.  Keep your FEET on the floor and TO THE FRONT.

4.  Keep your HANDS TO YOURSELF.


6.  Wait for the BUS TO come to a complete STOP and the doors to open BEFORE       YOU LEAVE YOUR SEAT.

Westwind School Division

For information about the Westwind School Division, click on this link:

Westwind School Division